9.3 Positioning schemes

Chapter 9 - Visual formatting model - 9.3 Positioning schemes

Go to the relevant page of the specification.

Absolute positions impact on later siblings
Absolute positioned elements do not impact later siblings.
Relative positioning dimensions
Relative positioning with left or right does not change size of a box.
Relative positioning with left
Relatively positioned element with the left specified offsets the element from the left of the containing block.
Relative positioning with right
Relatively positioned element with the right specified offsets the element from the right of the containing block.
Relative positioning with 'left' set and 'right' 'auto'
Relatively positioned element with 'left' set to 'auto' and 'right' set to a value appears at expected offset.
Relative positioning with 'right' set and 'left' 'auto'
If 'right' offset of a relatively positioned box is specified as 'auto', then its computed value is minus the value of 'left' offset. A relatively positioned box with 'left' set to a value moves the box to the left by the value of 'right'.
Over-constrained situation with position 'left' property
If the 'direction' property of the containing block is 'ltr', the value of 'left' wins and 'right' becomes negative 'left'.
Over-constrained situation with position 'right' property
If the 'direction' property of the containing block is 'rtl', the value of 'right' wins and 'left' becomes negative 'right'.
Relative positioning with top and bottom do not change element dimensions
Relatively positioned element dimensions are not changed with top/bottom applied.
Relative positioning with top
Relatively positioned element dimensions are not changed with top applied.
Relative positioning with bottom
Relatively positioned element dimensions are not changed with bottom applied.
Relative positioning and computed top/bottom values
Used value of top equals negative bottom when top is auto and bottom is given. (Computed value of top remains auto.)
Relative positioning and computed 'top'/'bottom' set to 'auto'
Computed values are zero when both 'top' and 'bottom' are set to 'auto'.
Relative positioning and computed values when 'bottom' is set to 'auto'
Computed value of 'bottom' set to 'auto' is equal to negative 'top'.
Relative positioning 'bottom' ignored if 'top' and 'bottom' are both not 'auto'
The 'bottom' value is ignored if neither 'top' or 'bottom' is 'auto'.
position-relative-020 (interact)
Relative positioning and overflow: auto
If relative positioning causes overflow the user agent needs to provide a scrolling mechanism to all of the content at its offset position.
position-relative-021 (interact)
Relative positioning and overflow: scroll
If relative positioning causes overflow the user agent needs to provide a scrolling mechanism to all of the content at its offset position.
Vertical centering with negative and positive top positioning
Equal 50% positive and negative positioning can vertically center objects.
Positioning a left floated element
Floating a box will first lay out the box then shift it to the left.
Positioning a right floated element
Floating a box will first lay out the box then shift it to the right.