
Blocks within inlines: Simple with dynamic class changes


This browser

dom, interact


 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
 2 <html>
 3  <head>
 4   <title>CSS Test: Blocks within inlines: Simple with dynamic class changes</title>
 5   <link rel="author" title="Ian Hickson" href="">
 6   <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html">
 7   <link rel="help" href="">
 8   <meta name="flags" content="dom interact">
 9   <style type="text/css">
10    body { color: blue; }
11    .inline { display: inline; }
12    .block { display: block; }
13   </style>
14   <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
15   <script type="text/javascript">
16    function clicked() {
17      document.getElementById('test').className = document.getElementById('test').className == 'inline' ? 'block' : 'inline';
18    }
19   </script>
20  </head>
21  <body onclick="clicked()">
22   <div class="block">
23    <div class="inline">
24     This text should split into
25     <div class="inline" id="test">
26      three separate lines when
27     </div>
28     you click on the text.
29    </div>
30   </div>
31  </body>
32 </html>