9.4.3 Relative positioning

Chapter 9 - Visual formatting model - 9.4.3 Relative positioning

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Relative positioning with auto
The position of a relatively positioned element with left and right set to auto the values compute to zero.
Relative positioning with over-constained situation and direction left-to-right
Relative positioning with left and right values and over-constrained situations when direction is left-to-right.
Relative positioning with over-constained situation and direction right-to-left
Relative positioning with left and right values and over-constrained situations when direction is right-to-left.
Relative Positioning - auto top = -bottom
For a relatively positioned element, if 'top' is 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'bottom'.
Relative Positioning - auto bottom = -top
For a relatively positioned element, if 'bottom' is 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'top'.
Relative Positioning - Computing auto left = -right
For a relatively positioned element, if 'left' is 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'right'.
Relative Positioning - auto right = -left
For a relatively positioned element, if 'right' is 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'left'.
Relative Positioning - overconstrained left = -right (LTR)
For a relatively positioned element in an LTR containing block, if neither 'left' nor 'right' is 'auto', used value of 'right' is minus the value of 'left'.
Relative Positioning - overconstrained left = -right (RTL)
For a relatively positioned element in an RTL containing block, if neither 'left' nor 'right' is 'auto', used value of 'left' is minus the value of 'right'.
Relative Positioning - overconstrained top = -bottom
For a relatively positioned element, if neither 'top' nor 'bottom' is 'auto', used value of 'bottom' is minus the value of 'top'.