Chapter 4 - Syntax and basic data types - 4.1.1 Tokenization
Go to the relevant page of the specification.
- attribute-token-selector-002
[attr~=""]Attribute Selectors with Empty String Values
[attr~=''] is valid but matches nothing. - core-syntax-009
Syntactic White Space
Only the characters U+0020, U+0009, U+000A, U+000D, and U+000C are considered white space. - list-style-020
'list-style' shorthand and 'none' values
- table-caption-margins-001
Table Caption Margin Collapsing
The table caption's margins do not collapse with the margins applied to the outer table box. - uri-013 (invalid)
handling of invalid url() functions
- whitespace-001
White space - em-space (U+2003)
Em-space is not treated as white space. - whitespace-002
White space - ideographic space (U+3000)
Ideographic space is not treated as white space.