17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model

Chapter 17 - Tables - 17.4 Tables in the visual formatting model

Go to the relevant page of the specification.

Caption border and table border
A caption has padding, margin and borders independent of those of its parent table.
Caption border and inline-table border
A caption has padding, margin and borders independent of those of its parent inline-table.
The anonymous block box around a table is not used for baseline vertical alignment
The table box (and not anonymous containing block) is used for doing baseline vertical alignment for inline-table.
The anonymous block box around a table is as wide as the border edge of the table
The anonymous block around the table and caption is as wide as the border edge of the table box.
The anonymous block box around a table is not used for table percentage width
The percentage width of table is relative to its anonymous box's containing block.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'position' property
The 'position' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'float' property
The 'float' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'margin-top' property
The 'margin-top' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'right' property
The 'right' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'bottom' property
The 'bottom' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'left' property
The 'left' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
table-anonymous-block-011 (ahem)
The anonymous block box around a table - table top margin is collapsed with caption top margin
The top margin of the table caption is not collapsed with top margin of the table.
table-anonymous-block-012 (ahem)
The anonymous block box around a table - table bottom margin is collapsed with caption bottom margin
The bottom margin of the table caption is not collapsed with bottom margin of the table when 'caption-side: bottom'.
The anonymous box around a table as a 'block' box
The anonymous box around a table is a 'block' box if the table is block-level.
The anonymous box around a table as an 'inline-block' box
The anonymous box around a table is an 'inline-block' box if the table is inline-level.
The anonymous block box around a table is not used for table percentage height
Percentage height of table is relative to its anonymous box's containing block.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'margin-bottom' property
The 'margin-bottom' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'margin-left' property
The 'margin-left' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'margin-right' property
The 'margin-right' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.
The anonymous block box around a table and the table 'margin' property
The 'margin' property of a table is actually applied to its anonymous block box.