
Test for inline-table


Reference (good) by WeasyPrint

Reference (good) by this browser

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it is a rectangular block that participates in an inline formatting context). The baseline of an 'inline-table' is the baseline of the first row of the table.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
 2 <html><head>
 3 <link rel="reference" href="inline-table-002-ref.xht">
 4 <title>CSS Test: Test for inline-table</title>
 5 <link rel="author" title="L. David Baron" href="">
 6 <link rel="author" title="Mozilla Corporation" href="">
 7 <link rel="help" href="">
 8 <meta name="assert" content="it is a rectangular block that participates in an inline formatting context).">
 9 <link rel="help" href="">
10 <meta name="assert" content="The baseline of an 'inline-table' is the baseline of the first row of the table.">
11 <meta name="flags" content="">
12 <style type="text/css">
13 span { display: inline-table; }
14 span > span { display: block; visibility: hidden; }
15 </style>
16 </head>
17 <body>
18 <p>a<span>bcd<span>x</span></span>e</p>
21 </body></html>