Chapter 17 - Tables - Fixed table layout
Go to the relevant page of the specification.
- fixed-table-layout-001 (ahem)
Fixed table layout when 'width' property is 'auto'
If a browser supports fixed table layout when 'width' is 'auto', a table will size to its containing block, minus any margin space (modified example from spec section - fixed-table-layout-002
Value other than 'auto' for column width sets width of cells in the column
A column element with a value other than 'auto' for the 'width' property sets the width for the column of cells it contains. - fixed-table-layout-003
Cell in the first row with specified width sets the width for the column
A cell in the first row with specified non-auto 'width' sets the width for its column in the absence of a column element with specified non-auto width. - fixed-table-layout-004
Fixed table layout
The width of a column-spanning cell (which determines column widths in fixed table layout) is divided over the columns it spans. - fixed-table-layout-005
Leftover table width is divided evenly among auto-sized columns
Any remaining horizontal table space is divided evenly among columns which do not have specified widths. - fixed-table-layout-006
Remaining table width is divided evenly among non auto-sized columns (minus borders and cell spacing)
Any remaining horizontal table space is divided evenly among columns which do not have specified widths (minus borders and cell spacing). - fixed-table-layout-007
Fixed table width is maximum between table and sum of column 'width' (table width wins)
A fixed layout table's width will be its specified width if that width is greater than the sum of its columns' widths. - fixed-table-layout-009
Cell that overflows a fixed-width table
A cell that overflows the fixed table width uses its 'overflow' property to determine whether to clip the overflow content. - fixed-table-layout-010
Subsequent rows in fixed table layout
Cells in subsequent rows after the first do not affect column widths in fixed table layout. - fixed-table-layout-011 (may)
Table with table-layout fixed, width auto (inline-level)
A table with fixed table-layout and auto width may be sized according to the auto table layout algorithm. - fixed-table-layout-012
Fixed table layout - specified column width overrides first-cell specified width
A column element with specified width sets the width of the column, even if the first-row cell has a specified width. - fixed-table-layout-013
Fixed table layout - specified column-group width
Specified column-group width is ignored in fixed table layout. - fixed-table-layout-014
Fixed table layout - specified column width overrides specified column-group width
A column that has both a column width and column-group width specified will use its column specified width. - fixed-table-layout-015
Fixed table layout - specified cell width overrides specified column-group width
A column that has both a cell width and column-group width specified will use its cell specified width. - fixed-table-layout-016
Fixed table width is maximum between table and sum of column 'width' (sum of columns' widths wins)
A fixed layout table's width will be the sum of its columns' widths if that number is greater than the table's specified width.