
text-indent on anonymous blocks


This browser

text-indent affects only the first line of a block container if that line is also the first formatted line of an element.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
 2 <html>
 3 <head>
 4   <title>CSS Test: text-indent on anonymous blocks</title>
 5   <link rel="author" title="Elika J. Etemad" href="http://fantasai.inkedblade.net/contact">
 6   <link rel="help" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#indentation-prop">
 7   <meta name="flags" content="">
 8   <meta name="assert" content="text-indent affects only the first line of     a block container if that line is also the first formatted line of an     element.">
 9   <style type="text/css">
10     .container {
11       font: 20px/1 Ahem;
12       border: solid orange;
13       width: 12em;
14     }
15     .outer {
16       text-indent: 6em;
17     }
18     .inner {
19       text-indent: 0;
20     }
21     .outer {
22     }
23     .outer:before {
24       content: "BlockA";
25       display: block;
26     }
28     .controlA, .controlB {
29       background: red;
30       height: 3em;
31       width: 6em;
32     }
33     .controlA {
34       margin-left: 6em;
35       margin-bottom: -3em;
36     }
37     .controlB {
38       margin-top: -3em;
39     }
40   </style>
41 </head>
42 <body>
43   <p>There must be a 4-square checkerboard pattern in the orange box below
44     and no red present.</p>
45   <div class="container">
46     <div class="controlA"></div>
47     <div class="outer">
48       <div>
49         BlockA
50         <div>BlockA</div>
51         BlockB
52         <div class="inner">BlockB</div>
53         BlockB
54       </div>
55     </div>
56     <div class="controlB"></div>
57   </div>
58 </body>
59 </html>