
mixed use of quotes in font family names is invalid syntax


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font, invalid
Mixing quoted name with unquoted portion is invalid syntax, rule is dropped.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
 2 <html>
 3      <head>
 4         <link rel="reference" href="font-family-name-ref.xht">
 5         <title>CSS Test: mixed use of quotes in font family names is invalid syntax</title>
 6         <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href="">
 7         <link rel="help" href="">
 8         <link rel="help" href="">
 9         <meta name="flags" content="font invalid">
10         <meta name="assert" content="Mixing quoted name with unquoted portion is invalid syntax, rule is dropped.">
11         <style type="text/css">
12             body { font-size: 36px; }
13             span#verify { font-family: CSSTest Verify; }
14             body { font-family: "CSSTest FamilyName"; }
15             div { font-family: "CSSTest Unknown"; }
16             p {
17                 font-family: "CSSTest" Fallback;
18             }
19         </style>
20     </head>
21     <body>
22         <div><a href="">Test fonts</a> must be installed for this test: <span id="verify">FAIL</span></div>
23         <p>5678</p>
24     </body>
25 </html>