
Shape Outside Polygon args - calc() values


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dom, script
A polygon's arguments may be in calc() values.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html><head>
 3         <title>Shape Outside Polygon args - calc() values</title>
 4         <link href="" rel="author" title="Adobe">
 5         <link href="" rel="author" title="Rebecca Hauck">
 6         <link href="" rel="reviewer" title="Alan Stearns"> <!-- 2014-03-04 -->
 7         <link href="" rel="help">
 8         <link href="" rel="help">
 9         <link href="" rel="help">
10         <meta content="A polygon's arguments may be in calc() values." name="assert">
11         <meta content="dom" name="flags">
12         <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
13         <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
14         <script src="support/parsing-utils.js"></script>
15     </head>
16     <body>
17         <div id="log"></div>
18         <script type="text/javascript">
19             var polygon_calc_tests = [];
20             ParsingUtils.calcTestValues.forEach(function(value) {
21                 testCase = ['polygon('+ value[0] +' '+ value[0] +')',
22                             'polygon('+ value[1] +' '+ value[1] +')'];
23                 if( value[2] ) === '[object Array]' && value[2].length == 2) {
24                     testCase.push([
25                                     'polygon('+ value[2][0] +' '+ value[2][0] +')',
26                                     'polygon('+ value[2][1] +' '+ value[2][1] +')'
27                                  ]);
28                 } else {
29                     testCase.push('polygon('+ value[2] +' '+ value[2] +')');
30                 }
31                 polygon_calc_tests.push(testCase);
32             });
33             ParsingUtils.calcTestValues.forEach(function(value) {
34                 testCase = ['polygon(evenodd, '+ value[0] +' '+ value[0] +', '+ value[0] +' '+ value[0] +')',
35                             'polygon(evenodd, '+ value[1] +' '+ value[1] +', '+ value[1] +' '+ value[1] +')'];
36                 if( value[2] ) === '[object Array]' && value[2].length == 2) {
37                     testCase.push([
38                                     'polygon(evenodd, '+ value[2][0] +' '+ value[2][0] +', '+ value[2][0] +' '+ value[2][0] +')',
39                                     'polygon(evenodd, '+ value[2][1] +' '+ value[2][1] +', '+ value[2][1] +' '+ value[2][1] +')'
40                                  ]);
41                 } else {
42                     testCase.push('polygon(evenodd, '+ value[2] +' '+ value[2] +', '+ value[2] +' '+ value[2] +')');
43                 }
44                 polygon_calc_tests.push(testCase);
45             });
46             generate_tests(ParsingUtils.testInlineStyle, ParsingUtils.buildCalcTests(polygon_calc_tests, 'inline'));
47             generate_tests(ParsingUtils.testComputedStyle, ParsingUtils.buildCalcTests(polygon_calc_tests, 'computed'));
48         </script>
51 </body></html>