5.1.2 Viewport-percentage lengths: the vw, vh, vmin, vmax units

Chapter 5 - Distance Units: the type - 5.1.2 Viewport-percentage lengths: the vw, vh, vmin, vmax units

Go to the relevant page of the specification.

elements should be the real world size given in mm, cm, inches...
elements are not displayed with the real world size units they should be, when specified in millimeters, centimeters, inches, ...
regions-resizing-003 (ahem, dom, http)
CSS Regions: resizing region that is sized using viewport units
Test checks that resizing the viewport of a page containing a region sized using viewport units correctly relayouts the region's contents.
regions-resizing-007 (ahem, dom, http)
CSS Regions: resizing region with percentage size inside a container that has size set in viewport units
Test checks that resizing the viewport of a page containing a region that has a percentage size relative to a parent sized using viewport units correctly relayouts the region's contents.
regions-resizing-009 (ahem, dom, http)
CSS Regions: resizing autosized region when content flowed in it is sized with viewport units
Test checks that resizing the viewport of a page containing an autosized region when the content flowed in it is sized with viewport units correctly relayouts the region's contents.
Viewport units are supported inside calc expressions.
Check that viewport units add correctly to pixels in calc() expressions
Viewport units are supported inside calc expressions.
Check that viewport units add correctly to percentages in calc() expressions
0vh and 0vw are correctly treated as 0px
0vh and 0vw are correctly treated as 0px
Viewport units are inherited properly
Viewport units are inherited properly
Viewport units are interpolated correctly
The interpolated size mid-way between 0px and 200vh is 100vh (respectively for vw)
Viewport units are interpolated correctly
The interpolated size mid-way between 0px and 200vh is 100vh (respectively for vw)
Viewport units are interpolated correctly
The interpolated size mid-way between 75vh and 125vh is 100vh (respectively for vw)
Viewports units are supported in sizing properties
Viewports units are supported in sizing properties
Viewports units are supported in @viewport rules
Viewports units are supported in @viewport rules
Viewports units are supported in margin properties
Viewports units are supported in margin properties
Viewports units are supported in transform properties
Viewports units are supported in transform properties
Viewports units are supported in transform properties (iframe)
Viewports units are supported in transform properties (translate)
Viewports units are supported in transform properties
Viewports units are supported in transform properties (translate)
Viewports units are supported in transform properties (iframe)
Viewports units are supported in transform properties (translate)
0vh and 0vw are correctly treated as 0px
0vh and 0vw are correctly treated as 0px
vh-based dimension doesn't change when the element's other dimension doesn't change.
vh-based dimension doesn't change when the element's other dimension doesn't change.
vh-based dimension doesn't change when the element other dimension doesn't change.
vh-based dimension doesn't change when the element other dimension doesn't change. Bug for Chrome 19.0.1084.56 / Mac OS X 10.6.8
viewport-relative-lengths-scaled-viewport (script)
Viewport units in scaled viewport
viewport relative units scale with viewport.
viewport-units-css2-001 (script)
Checks viewport units against CSS 2.1 properties and the CSSOM
Testing what happens when one applies and rereads viewport unit lengths to CSS 2.1 properties that accept length values