1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html><head>
3 <title>CSS Variables Allowed Syntax</title>
4 <link href="https://dbaron.org/" rel="author" title="L. David Baron">
5 <link href="http://mozilla.com/" rel="author" title="Mozilla Corporation">
6 <link href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#lengths" rel="help">
7 <link href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#calc-type-checking" rel="help">
8 <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
9 <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
10 <style id="style"></style>
11 <script id="metadata_cache">/*
12 {
13 "unitless_zero_in_calc_is_a_numeric_type_not_length": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: unitless zero in calc() is a numeric type, not length" },
14 "0px_in_calc": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: 0px in calc()" },
15 "addition_of_length_and_number": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: addition of length and number" },
16 "addition_of_number_and_length": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: addition of number and length" },
17 "subtraction_of_length_and_number": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: subtraction of length and number" },
18 "subtraction_of_number_and_length": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: subtraction of number and length" },
19 "multiplication_of_length_and_number": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: multiplication of length and number" },
20 "multiplication_of_number_and_length": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: multiplication of number and length" },
21 "multiplication_of_length_and_length": { "assert": "invalid calc expression: multiplication of length and length" }
22 }
23 */</script>
24 </head>
25 <body onload="run()">
26 <div id="log"></div>
27 <div id="test"></div>
28 <script>
30 function run() {
31 var test_elt = document.getElementById("test");
32 var test_cs = window.getComputedStyle(test_elt, "");
34 function description_to_name(description) {
35 return description.replace(/\W+/g, "_").replace(/^_/, "").replace(/_$/, "");
36 }
38 function assert_invalid_value(property, value, description) {
39 test(function() {
40 test_elt.style.setProperty(property, "inherit");
41 test_elt.style.setProperty(property, value);
42 assert_equals(test_elt.style.getPropertyValue(property),
43 "inherit");
44 test_elt.style.setProperty(property, value);
45 test_elt.style.removeProperty(property);
46 },
47 description_to_name(description),
48 { assert: "invalid calc expression: " + description });
49 }
51 function assert_valid_value(property, value, computes_to, description) {
52 test(function() {
53 test_elt.style.setProperty(property, "inherit");
54 test_elt.style.setProperty(property, value);
55 assert_not_equals(test_elt.style.getPropertyValue(property),
56 "inherit");
57 assert_equals(test_cs.getPropertyValue(property),
58 computes_to);
59 test_elt.style.removeProperty(property);
60 },
61 description_to_name(description),
62 { assert: "valid calc expression: " + description });
63 }
65 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(0)",
66 "unitless zero in calc() is a numeric type, not length");
67 assert_valid_value("margin-left", "calc(0px)", "0px",
68 "0px in calc()");
69 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(1px + 2)",
70 "addition of length and number");
71 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(2 + 1px)",
72 "addition of number and length");
73 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(1px - 2)",
74 "subtraction of length and number");
75 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(2 - 1px)",
76 "subtraction of number and length");
77 assert_valid_value("margin-left", "calc(2px * 2)", "4px",
78 "multiplication of length and number");
79 assert_valid_value("margin-left", "calc(2 * 2px)", "4px",
80 "multiplication of number and length");
81 assert_invalid_value("margin-left", "calc(2px * 1px)",
82 "multiplication of length and length");
84 }
86 run();
88 </script>
91 </body></html>