5.1 Resizing Boxes: the resize property

Chapter 5 - Resizing & Overflow - 5.1 Resizing Boxes: the resize property

Go to the relevant page of the specification.

resize-001 (interact)
resize - both - both width and height adjusted
Test checks that both width and height adjusted when resize set both.
resize-002 (interact)
resize - horizontal - only the width can be adjusted
Test checks that only the width of element can be adjusted when resize set horizontal
resize-003 (interact)
resize - inherit - the resize property inherits parent element
Test checks that the resize element inherits parent element
resize-004 (interact)
resize initial value - none
Test checks that the resize property initial value is none
resize-005 (interact)
resize - none - neither width nor height can be adjusted
Test checks that neither the width nor the height can be adjusted when resize set none
resize-006 (interact)
resize - vertical - only the height can be adjusted
Test checks that only the height can be adjusted when resize set vertical
resize-007 (interact)
resize - invalid without overflow property
Test checks that resize property is invalid without overflow property