
CSS3 Text, text transform: Latin Extended-A, uppercase


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For the Latin Extended-A Unicode block, text-transform: uppercase puts all letters in uppercase .


 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html lang="en"><head>
 3 <meta charset="utf-8">
 4 <title>CSS3 Text, text transform: Latin Extended-A, uppercase</title>
 5 <meta content="For the Latin Extended-A Unicode block, text-transform: uppercase puts all letters in uppercase ." name="assert">
 6 <link href="mailto:ishida@w3.org" rel="author" title="Richard Ishida">
 7 <link href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-3/#text-transform" rel="help">
 8 <link href="reference/text-transform-upperlower-005-ref.htm" rel="match">
 9 <style type="text/css">
10 @font-face {
11 	font-family: 'webfont';
12 	src: url('../../fonts/DoulosSIL-R.woff') format('woff');
13 	font-weight: normal;
14 	font-style: normal;
15 	}
16 .test, .ref { font-size: 200%; line-height: 2.5em; font-family: 'Doulos SIL', 'Noto Sans', webfont, sans-serif; }
17 .test span, .ref span { margin-right: 1em; white-space: nowrap; }
18 /* the CSS above is not part of the test */
19 .test { text-transform: uppercase; }
20 </style>
21 </head>
22 <body>
23 <p class="instructions">Test passes if both characters in each pair match. If you are missing a font glyph for a character, ignore that pair, but report which characters were ignored.</p>
24 <div class="test"><span title="U+0101">ā Ā</span> <span title="U+0103">ă Ă</span> <span title="U+0105">ą Ą</span> <span title="U+0107">ć Ć</span> <span title="U+0109">ĉ Ĉ</span> <span title="U+010B">ċ Ċ</span> <span title="U+010D">č Č</span> <span title="U+010F">ď Ď</span> <span title="U+0111">đ Đ</span> <span title="U+0113">ē Ē</span> <span title="U+0115">ĕ Ĕ</span> <span title="U+0117">ė Ė</span> <span title="U+0119">ę Ę</span> <span title="U+011B">ě Ě</span> <span title="U+011D">ĝ Ĝ</span> <span title="U+011F">ğ Ğ</span> <span title="U+0121">ġ Ġ</span> <span title="U+0123">ģ Ģ</span> <span title="U+0125">ĥ Ĥ</span> <span title="U+0127">ħ Ħ</span> <span title="U+0129">ĩ Ĩ</span> <span title="U+012B">ī Ī</span> <span title="U+012D">ĭ Ĭ</span> <span title="U+012F">į Į</span> <span title="U+0131">ı I</span> <span title="U+0133">ij IJ</span> <span title="U+0135">ĵ Ĵ</span> <span title="U+0137">ķ Ķ</span> <span title="U+013A">ĺ Ĺ</span> <span title="U+013C">ļ Ļ</span> <span title="U+013E">ľ Ľ</span> <span title="U+0140">ŀ Ŀ</span> <span title="U+0142">ł Ł</span> <span title="U+0144">ń Ń</span> <span title="U+0146">ņ Ņ</span> <span title="U+0148">ň Ň</span> <span title="U+014B">ŋ Ŋ</span> <span title="U+014D">ō Ō</span> <span title="U+014F">ŏ Ŏ</span> <span title="U+0151">ő Ő</span> <span title="U+0153">œ Œ</span> <span title="U+0155">ŕ Ŕ</span> <span title="U+0157">ŗ Ŗ</span> <span title="U+0159">ř Ř</span> <span title="U+015B">ś Ś</span> <span title="U+015D">ŝ Ŝ</span> <span title="U+015F">ş Ş</span> <span title="U+0161">š Š</span> <span title="U+0163">ţ Ţ</span> <span title="U+0165">ť Ť</span> <span title="U+0167">ŧ Ŧ</span> <span title="U+0169">ũ Ũ</span> <span title="U+016B">ū Ū</span> <span title="U+016D">ŭ Ŭ</span> <span title="U+016F">ů Ů</span> <span title="U+0171">ű Ű</span> <span title="U+0173">ų Ų</span> <span title="U+0175">ŵ Ŵ</span> <span title="U+0177">ŷ Ŷ</span> <span title="U+017A">ź Ź</span> <span title="U+017C">ż Ż</span> <span title="U+017E">ž Ž</span> <span title="U+017F">ſ S</span></div>
25 <!--Notes:
26 Characters from this block that do not have case equivalents: &#x0130;, &#x0138;, &#x0149;, &#x0178;
27 Tip: To identify the characters where differences occur, in order to report problem characters,either mouse over to reveal a tooltip, or copy and paste the sequence into a tool such as <a href='http://r12a.github.io/uniview/' target='_blank'>UniView</a> or the <a href='http://r12a.github.io/apps/conversion/' target='_blank'>Unicode Conversion Tool</a>.
28 -->
30 </body></html>