
text-emphasis-style - none - basic cases


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This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
 2 <html>
 3 	<head>
 4 		<title>CSS Test: text-emphasis-style - none - basic cases</title>
 5 		<link rel="author" title="Makoto Kikuchi" href="mailto:kikuchi@est.co.jp">
 6 		<link rel="help" title="CSS Text Level 3: 11.2.1.  Emphasis Mark Style: the ‘text-emphasis-style’ property" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-3/#text-emphasis-style">
 7 		<link rel="match" href="reference/text-emphasis-style-none-001-ref.htm">
 8 		<meta name="flags" content="">
 9 		<meta name="assert" content="This property applies emphasis marks to the element's text. ">
10 		<style type="text/css">
11 				.parent
12 				{
13 					border: solid 1px gray;
14 					font-size: 2em;
15 					width: 10em;
16 				}
17 				#test
18 				{
19 					text-emphasis-style: none;
20 				}
21 		</style>
22 		<script type="text/javascript">
23 			//	
24 					// Set Font Family to 'IPAMincho'
25 					function setFontFamily () {
26 						var fontName = 'IPAMincho';
27 						var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
28 						var i = 0;
29 						var div;
30 						while (i < divs.length) {
31 							div = divs.item(i);
32 							if (div.className == 'parent') {
33 								div.style.fontFamily = fontName;
34 							}
35 							i++;
36 						}
37 					}
38 			//	
39 		</script>
40 	</head>
41 	<body>
42 		<div>
43 			<p>Test passes if a pair of upper and lower "Filler Text" in the square box is identical.</p>
44 			none
45 			<div class="parent">
46 				<div><span id="test">Filler</span> Text</div>
47 				<br>
48 				<div>Filler Text</div>
49 			</div>
50 			<p class="fontChange" style="display: block;">
51 					If you are unable to see font glyphs for certain characters using the browsers default font, install the <a href="http://ossipedia.ipa.go.jp/ipafont/">IPA Font(http://ossipedia.ipa.go.jp/ipafont/)</a> and apply it.
52 					<button type="button" onclick="setFontFamily()">
53 						Apply
54 					</button>
55 			</p>
56 			<script type="text/javascript">
57 				if (document.getElementById) {
58 					document.getElementById('fontChange').style.display = 'block'
59 				}
60 			</script>
61 		</div>
62 	</body>
63 </html>