
CSS Border Image: border-image-repeat: space


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The test checks whether border-image-repeat: 'space' uses the correct formula when multiple images fit exactly.


 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html><head>
 3     <meta charset="utf-8">
 4     <title>CSS Border Image: border-image-repeat: space</title>
 5     <link href="" rel="author" title="Ethan Lin">
 6     <link href="" rel="author" title="Mozilla">
 7     <link href="" rel="help">
 8     <link href="reference/border-image-repeat-space-5-ref-1.htm" rel="match">
 9     <meta content="The test checks whether border-image-repeat: 'space' uses the correct formula when multiple images fit exactly." name="assert">
10     <style type="text/css">
11       .outer {
12         position: absolute;
13         left: 0px;
14         top: 0px;
15         border: 27px solid transparent;
16         border-image: url("border.png") 27;
17         border-image-repeat: space space;
18         width: 81px;
19         height: 81px;
20       }
21     </style>
22   </head>
23   <body>
24     <div class="outer"></div>
27 </body></html>